Saturday, 4 October 2008

Music, funny thing isn't it?

Wouldn't you agree? Just the fact that a song can bring so many emotions over you, and remind you of things in an instant is just a testament to today's musical artists. Recently, I've found that quite a few songs give me chills just by listening to them. Whether it's because of the composition of the music, or the memories that it brings back I'm not quite sure. All I know is that it hits my heart when I hear it. The most recent one was Talk by Coldplay. Now, I only realised this on Tuesday night whilst watching an episode of CSI. Maybe it was because of the tone of the program, or because any Coldplay song reminds me of a certain person (whom I know is reading this), but it still gives me that feeling, giving me goosebumps and everything.

Music. It means a hell of a lot to me. So much so that I'm near enough always listening to music, and if I'm not listening to anything, you can bet your arse that I've got something playing in my head, lol. Yeah, I'm weird, but it really does mean a lot to me. Even if it's just in the background, it gives me a sense of security. Recently, I've been acquiring a lot of music, and I'm edging my way towards 1000 albums (currently, I'm at 816) and I'm at 11,582 tracks. That might seem a lot to some people, but to me it's not. I'm always wanting more and more music. I guess I'm addicted to music. At least I'm addicted to something that will enrich my life, rather than destroy it.

Yeah, that's enough ramblings about music. I might post something else about my love for music sometime in the coming week.

Ciao. x

CURRENTLY LISTENING TO: I Bet That You Look Good On The Dancefloor - Arctic Monkeys


John Lacey said...

I think that's true of all music; not just "todays musical artists." I recently watched a documentary on art and they had footage of a very young David Attenborough interviewing an Aboriginal tribe. He quickly realised that modern Aboriginal art drew upon the exact same stories and imagery and characters as the oldest examples found in the area in caves and on rocks. It turned out that the visual aspect of the tradition was only half of the story. The visual artistic tradition was being held together through storytelling which was anchored firmly in their musical traditions!

It was the music that anchored it altogether. Film directors know it. Advertisers do it. There is just something about hearing something that engages us as a species. You need to physically stop and look at a poster or a television broadcast; but you just need to be in the general vicinity to HEAR it!

Jess said...

Like I said, you're not weird. I have mental jukebox going every waking moment. Tends to get stuck occasionally but I usually love it. Coldplay plays a lot lately. ;D

AND I'm so making you a set of magnets.

Jess said...

Lol, I just realized that over your says "STOP FOLLOWING" D: