Thursday, 9 October 2008

A non-virtuous day.

Tonight, I was in a chatroom and we got to talking about sins and religion. So, being a subject I was always fascinated with, I brought up the seven deadly sins, and the fact that over a course of a day most people will commit at least one of these sins. I started to think about the comment that I had made, really thinking about it, and came to the conclusion that today, I had commited all seven of these deadly sins! How you ask? Well, the sinful details are below.

Picture by PimpcessTyna.

So, this one is really easy to fulfil, especially for a teenage male (well, early twenties). There's a few nice young ladies that come into work with their boyfriends while they bet. Yeah, I guess I had a few impure thoughts about them, and my colleague, who ... well ... probably has them about me too!

Yeah, this is me all over. I don't eat because I'm hungry, I eat because I'm bored. That definitely happened at work today. I got like 4 portions of chicken because I had nothing better to do. Yeah, label me gluttonous.

I suppose this is what happened when I got home, I've been wanting this computer game for a while, but instead of just buying the one computer game, I bought multiple ones just because they were similar. Pretty sure that's greedy.

Yeah, I'm always slothful. I always fail to get up before midday, it's like an impossible task for me. When I'm off work all I ever want to do is stay in bed (where it's nice and warm) and watch DVDs all day.

So this guy comes up to put a bet on, and after we've taken the bet he asks us if it's void, so we say no (because it wasn't). After the race has finished, and his horse has lost, he comes back up to say that it must be void, because it was after the race had started. I try to calmly tell him that there are a few seconds leeway in which the bet will not be voided. He starts arguing, so I start arguing back, and it ended up in a pretty heated argument. Very wrathful!

I work in a place where people win loads of money, I think this one is a given :).

When I got to work, I went into the staff room, and kept restyling my hair because I didn't like how it looked. I have to look good otherwise I just don't feel that upbeat and happy. I have to take pride in myself.

So as you can see, I've been quite sinful today. There are the seven virtues, but I doubt I managed to get any of them into todays events, maybe tomorrow I will do. We shall see.

Ciao. x



Jess said...

I'm pretty sure I hit all 7 of those Sins everyday. I'm just good like that I guess. ;D

Unknown said...

I don't think that I even know what the 7 Virtues are. So now I'm curios, and with out me doing a google search. I would like to see a blog from you and how you can use theses 7 also in a day!

Nice witting!

John Lacey said...

Virtues are seriously over-rated...

Tyler Lovelace said...

...that's honest :p

I probably committed em' all ^o^